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Unleash Your Creativity: Stunning Animation on Procreate!

Animation On Procreate

Discover the magic of animation on Procreate! Create stunning visuals with this powerful digital art app. Unleash your creativity today.

Are you tired of your stick-figure drawings looking more like blobs than actual people? Well, buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner artist with Animation on Procreate! This game-changing feature will make your doodles come to life in ways you never thought possible. With just a few swipes of your finger, you can create captivating animations that will have your friends begging for drawing lessons. And the best part? It's so easy, even your cat could do it (if they had opposable thumbs, that is). So grab your Apple pencil and prepare to be amazed as we dive into the world of animation on Procreate!


So, you've decided to dive into the world of animation on Procreate. Congratulations! Get ready to create some mesmerizing motion graphics that will make your friends go Wow! and your enemies go Ugh, why is this person so talented? But don't worry, we're here to guide you through this journey with a humorous tone, because let's face it, animation can be quite the rollercoaster ride.

The Struggle is Real

Let's start by acknowledging the fact that animation is not for the faint-hearted. It requires patience, determination, and a willingness to stare at a screen for hours on end, moving tiny pixels around like a digital puppeteer. Your hand might cramp up, your eyes might go blurry, but trust me, it's all worth it when you see that little character come to life.

Mastering the Basics

Step 1: Stick Figures Galore

Before you can create a masterpiece, you need to nail down the basics. Start by drawing stick figures doing all sorts of silly things. Make them dance, jump, or even juggle pineapples (because why not?). This will help you understand the principles of movement and anatomy, and also serve as a reminder that everyone starts somewhere.

Step 2: Embrace the Onion

No, I'm not talking about including onions in your animations (although that would be quite funny). I'm referring to the concept of onion skinning, where you can see multiple frames at once to ensure smooth transitions. Think of it as peeling back the layers of your animation, just like peeling an onion (minus the tears, hopefully).

Let's Get Technical

Step 3: Frame by Frame Fun

Now that you've mastered the basics, it's time to get technical. Procreate allows you to create frame-by-frame animations, which means you'll be working with multiple layers and adjusting them ever so slightly to create the illusion of movement. It's like playing with a digital flipbook, except you don't have to worry about accidentally tearing any pages.

Step 4: Add Some Flavor

A good animation is like a delicious dish - it needs some seasoning! Procreate offers a variety of brushes and effects that can take your animation from bland to grand. Experiment with different styles, textures, and colors to give your characters that extra pizzazz. Who knows, maybe you'll create the next viral sensation!

Patience is Key

Step 5: Waiting Game

Once you've finished your masterpiece, it's time to sit back, relax, and wait for the rendering process to complete. This is the perfect opportunity to catch up on your favorite TV show, practice your interpretive dance moves, or contemplate the meaning of life. Just remember, good things come to those who wait (and have a lot of patience).

Step 6: Glorious Export

Finally, the moment you've been waiting for - exporting your animation! Choose the format that best suits your needs, whether it's a GIF, MP4, or even a fancy Procreate file. Share it with the world, impress your friends, and be prepared for an influx of job offers from big animation studios. Okay, maybe not the last part, but a person can dream, right?


Animation on Procreate is a journey filled with ups and downs, laughter and frustration, and a whole lot of creativity. Embrace the challenges, have fun with it, and remember that even the most seasoned animators started as clueless beginners. So, grab your Apple Pencil, fire up Procreate, and let your imagination run wild. Who knows, you might just become the next Walt Disney (minus the creepy mustache).

Getting Sketchy: The Art of Bringing Stick Figures to Life on Procreate!

So, you've always wanted to be an animator but couldn't draw anything beyond a lopsided stick figure? Well, fear not my fellow aspiring animators, because Procreate is here to save the day! With its user-friendly interface and powerful tools, you can turn those wobbly lines into a masterpiece that even Picasso would envy.

Rockin' the Layers: Because who doesn't love a good digital sandwich?

If you thought sandwiches were just for eating, think again! In the world of animation, layers are your best friend. Just like stacking ingredients in a mouthwatering sandwich, you can add depth and dimension to your animations with multiple layers in Procreate. It's like having a digital art sandwich that's both delicious and visually appealing!

Let's Get Animated! Turning static images into mind-blowing masterpieces, one frame at a time.

Animation is all about bringing life to still images, and Procreate gives you the power to do just that. With its intuitive timeline feature, you can easily create frame-by-frame animations that will leave your audience in awe. Who needs a magic wand when you have Procreate?

Procreate: The Ultimate Tool for Turning That Cute Cat Doodle into an Internet Sensation!

Do you have a knack for drawing adorable animals? Well, get ready to make them go viral with Procreate! With its wide range of brushes and customizable settings, you can transform that cute cat doodle into an internet sensation. Who knows, you might even start a new trend of cat-themed animations!

Channeling Your Inner Disney: Unleash your imagination and create your very own animated classics, no singing animals required.

Are you a fan of Disney movies? Have you ever dreamt of creating your own animated classics? Well, now you can with Procreate! Let your imagination run wild as you bring your characters to life on the digital canvas. No singing animals required, but if you feel like adding a musical number, go ahead and let your creativity soar!

From Doodles to Dancing: How Procreate can turn your stick figure antics into a full-blown choreographed extravaganza.

Remember those stick figures you used to doodle during boring meetings or long lectures? Well, now you can take those doodles and turn them into a full-blown dance party with Procreate! With its animation tools and easy-to-use features, you can make your stick figures bust some serious moves. Who knew stick figures had such rhythm?

Pixel Perfection: How to make every stroke count, because even stick figures deserve their moment in the spotlight.

When it comes to animation, every stroke counts, even if it's just a simple stick figure. Procreate allows you to create pixel-perfect animations, ensuring that every movement is smooth and flawless. So, whether you're animating a stick figure or a complex character, Procreate has got your back, making sure your creations shine in the spotlight.

Creating Chaos: Animation principles and Procreate, a match made in comedic heaven.

Animation is all about creating chaos, in a controlled and hilarious way, of course. And with Procreate, you have the perfect tool to unleash your comedic genius. From timing and spacing to squash and stretch, Procreate provides all the necessary tools to bring your comedic animations to life. Get ready to make your audience laugh till they cry!

Colorful Characters: Adding life and personality to your animations, one vibrant hue at a time.

Colors have the power to bring characters to life, and Procreate lets you unleash your inner colorist. With its vast range of brushes and customizable color palettes, you can add vibrant hues to your animations, giving each character its own unique personality. So, get ready to paint the town red, blue, yellow, or any other color that tickles your fancy!

Lights, Camera, Action: Procreate brings the magic of the big screen to the palm of your hand, so grab your popcorn and get drawing!

Who needs a fancy animation studio when you have Procreate in the palm of your hand? With its powerful features and intuitive interface, Procreate brings the magic of the big screen right to your fingertips. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and let your creativity take center stage. Lights, camera, action - it's showtime!

Animation On Procreate: A Hilarious Journey


Once upon a time in the world of digital art, there was a magical app called Procreate. Artists from all walks of life gathered to create stunning illustrations and paintings. But one day, a brave artist named Joe discovered a hidden feature that would change the game forever - Animation on Procreate!

The Beginning of Joe's Adventure

Joe, a quirky artist with a mischievous sense of humor, stumbled upon the animation feature while doodling on his iPad. His eyes lit up with excitement as he realized the endless possibilities this new tool offered. With a swift swipe of his finger, he activated the animation timeline and dove headfirst into a hilarious journey.

Unleashing the Creativity

Joe's imagination ran wild as he began to experiment with the animation tools. He started by creating a simple stick figure and brought it to life with a series of movements. The figure danced, flipped, and even did a moonwalk! Joe couldn't help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of his creation.

Creating Whimsical Characters

Not satisfied with just stick figures, Joe decided to challenge himself further. He used Procreate's powerful brushes and color palettes to design a cast of eccentric characters. There was Sir Squigglebottom, a mustached octopus who loved to juggle flamingos, and Professor Pencilhead, a walking, talking pencil with a knack for solving riddles.

Bringing Stories to Life

With his wacky characters in hand, Joe embarked on a mission to tell hilarious stories through animation. He carefully crafted each frame, meticulously adjusting the timing and adding humorous details. In one scene, Sir Squigglebottom accidentally squirted ink all over Professor Pencilhead, leaving the poor professor in a state of colorful chaos.

Table: Animation On Procreate Features

  • Easy-to-use animation timeline
  • Frame-by-frame animation
  • Ability to import and export animations
  • Various brush and color options for designing characters
  • Adjustable timing for precise comedic effect
  • Onion skinning for smoother animations


Joe's journey with Animation on Procreate was not only a hilarious adventure but also a testament to the app's versatility and power. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, Procreate allowed Joe to unleash his creativity and bring laughter to others through animated storytelling. And so, artists far and wide followed in Joe's footsteps, adding a touch of humor to the world, one frame at a time.

Hey there, you lovely blog visitors! As we come to the end of this little adventure called Animation On Procreate, I must say, it's been a wild ride. But before we bid adieu, let's take a moment to reflect on all the fun we've had and the knowledge we've gained.

Firstly, let's raise our digital paintbrushes to celebrate the fact that we've successfully animated our very own creations using Procreate. From simple doodles to intricate masterpieces, we've breathed life into every stroke with the magic of animation. Remember those days when stick figures were our only companions? Now, they dance, twirl, and even do the Macarena. It's truly a masterpiece in itself.

Of course, it hasn't always been smooth sailing. We've faced countless technical glitches that made us question our sanity. From mysterious disappearing layers to sudden crashes, Procreate has certainly kept us on our toes. But hey, what's an adventure without a few bumps along the way, right? We've learned to save our work obsessively, embrace the Undo button like our best friend, and maybe even let out a few frustrated screams. It's all part of the process, my friends.

And now, as we reach the end of this journey, I hope you all feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. Animation on Procreate is no easy feat, but you've conquered it like the creative warriors you are. So go forth, my fellow animators, and continue to bring your imagination to life. Let your characters dance, sing, and maybe even moonwalk through the virtual realm. The world is your canvas, and Procreate is your trusty sidekick.

Thank you for joining me on this whimsical adventure. May your animations be forever smooth, your creativity infinite, and your Procreate always glitch-free. Until we meet again, keep animating and keep smiling!

People Also Ask About Animation On Procreate

What is Procreate animation?

Well, my friend, Procreate animation is like giving life to your drawings! It's a feature on the Procreate app that allows you to create animated sequences by drawing individual frames and then playing them back in a loop. It's like having your own mini-animation studio right in the palm of your hand.

Can you animate on Procreate pocket?

Absolutely! Procreate Pocket may be smaller in size, but it's mighty in functionality. You can definitely unleash your inner animator using Procreate Pocket. So, whether you're on a big iPad or a pocket-sized iPhone, get ready to bring your creations to life!

How do I animate on Procreate step by step?

Oh, I'm glad you asked! Here are the steps to animate on Procreate:

  1. Create a new canvas in Procreate and set the dimensions for your animation.
  2. On the layer panel, tap the + button to add a new layer for each frame.
  3. Start drawing your first frame on the first layer.
  4. Move to the next layer and make slight changes to your drawing to create the illusion of movement.
  5. Repeat this process for as many frames as you need to complete your animation.
  6. Once you're done, go to the Actions menu and tap on Animation Assist to access the animation settings.
  7. Customize the animation settings according to your preferences, such as frame rate and loop options.
  8. Preview your animation and make any necessary adjustments.
  9. Export your animated masterpiece and share it with the world!

Can you export Procreate animation?

Of course, you can! Procreate makes it super easy to export your animations. Once you're satisfied with your creation, simply go to the Actions menu, tap on Share, and choose your preferred export option. You can share your animation as a GIF, video file, or even as a Procreate file to continue working on it later. The possibilities are endless!

Is Procreate good for animation?

Oh, absolutely! Procreate is like a best friend to animators. It offers a wide range of powerful tools and features that make the animation process a breeze. From onion skinning to customizable frame rates, Procreate has got you covered. So, if you're looking for a fun and intuitive platform to bring your drawings to life, Procreate is definitely the way to go!

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